Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Day of Snowmobiling

Dad was kind enough to take us snowmobiling, and Ron's brother-in-law, Kelvin, had the perfect spot up Provo Canyon.

The day was beautiful and sunny. The area was a little more for the experienced rider. Craig did great, but I seemed to struggle with those inclines and tipped over the machine several times. One time I fell off, but the snowmobile kept going down the hill. I tried to run after it, but the snow was so deep that I just kept falling down. It finally stopped, and then it took some doing to get back on course. Dad was extremely patient with me...thanks Dad!

Ron wanted to take us to this beautiful look out, but that required that we go up some steep terrain. Here is Craig making his way up. I do great on the hills that go straight up.

What a VIEW!!!! Those black dots at the end of the cliff there are Ron, Dad, and Kelvin.

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